During my time in the Force, I did a lot of traveling. One of my temporary duty assignments was down in Pensacola FL. A week before I left I found out that Emmitt Smith (then a running back for the Dallas Cowboys) owned a Sports Shop there. At this time I did not have access to the 'Net so I went to a local Sports Shop where I found a few cards with Emmitt's face on them. The cards also contained some very cool information on Emmitt's past (nickname, high school, etc.) so I included them into the illustration. While in Pensacola I met Emmitt's Dad, Mom, Brothers and Sis (and his little niece). I presented the illustration to his parents who both thought it looked just like their 'Scoey' ~Since I didn't have time to have pictures of the illustration developed, I was unable to get Emmitt (who I met 1 day later) to sign one (like Tom Glavine did for me below). He told me that his Mom and Dad told him about the picture, but he'd just arrived in town for a Golf Event and had not had the chance to go by his shop to see it.... I sometimes wonder if he still has it, perhaps hanging up at his home. ~WmD.