One of my fav comic book characters will always be PiTT. He was created and drawn by Dale Keown of Image Comics (formally of Marvel Comics where he illustrated the HULK~yes, there are similarities in the 'build' of both characters). This illustration placed as 'Runner-Up' in WIZARD Magazine a few years back. Alot of people thought it should have won, but I was happy with the judges' decision since it was my 1st contest outside of the A.F. (note the words: Aiming HIGHER). In this particular contest, artist were to create potential 'covers' for the magazine. You didn't have to include the title 'WIZARD' but I thought it added a nice touch. The catch to this contest is that you couldn't use a computer to illustrate your submission. I illustrated the whole thing and decided to print out the very top portion of the picture (the 'bar' that has Dale Keown and my name) to make it more believable as a cover. Bad move. I think it may have cost me the winnin' spot..... ~WmD.